Traffic Citations
Since 2007, the attorneys at The Chauncey Law Firm have helped clients in North Florida with their civil and criminal traffic violations. With offices located in Live Oak, Lake City and Jacksonville, Florida, the Chauncey Law Firm provides affordable legal representation to individuals who have been cited for a traffic violation or charged with a criminal offense in Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Columbia, Duval, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and Suwannee Counties. We are able to offer our clients the benefits of saving time and money, preserving their driving rights and preventing the accumulation of points on their records.
No Points Guaranteed
Paying your traffic ticket is an admission of guilt, which results in points and higher insurance premiums. We guarantee no points on most traffic offenses.
No Court Appearance
Fighting your traffic ticket requires multiple hearings, while some traffic offenses have mandatory court appearance. However, why take time off when we can appear for you.
No Traffic School
Most traffic infractions have a high chance of dismissal or fine reduction without you having to attend traffic school.
Call toll free (877) 315-5107 any time, or contact us by e-mail to schedule an initial consultation or case evaluation with civil and criminal traffic attorney Anthony W. Chauncey.
We take an aggressive and strategic approach when defending civil and criminal driving violations. Your best interests are always our priority – always with the intent to assist clients on a path that safeguards or restores their essential driving rights.
We have also prepared a list of frequently asked questions to further assist you.