Chapter 13
Chapter 13 is a mini Chapter 11 for people who have less than $1,184,200.00 in secured debt and less than $394,725.00 in unsecured debts. Unlike a Chapter 11, creditors don’t get to vote on a plan and only get to object on very limited grounds. Form plans and pre-approved provisions make it easy for an experienced Florida bankruptcy Chapter 13 attorney like our firm to:
Discharge Debts & Judgments, stop utility shut offs, protect co-signers, strip off junior mortgages and judgement liens and …..
- Discharge old Taxes
- Remove Liens, Reduce payments on car loans
- Stop Foreclosure
- Stop Repossessions
- Stop Garnishments
- Stop Lawsuits and Collections
- Stop Wage Attachments
- Stop Harassment of Creditors
- Cancel Unwanted Contracts
- Reject Unwanted Leases
Filing Chapter 13
A person or sole proprietorship filing Chapter 13 needs the guidance of experienced Florida bankruptcy Chapter 13 attorney. More than ever Chapter 13 is complicated and many attorneys who handle bankruptcy cases do not do Chapter 13.
What are the benefits of Chapter 13?
The minute the petition is filed all creditor action must cease. Any action taken after that time is void. Foreclosures. garnishments. lawsuits. repossessions and all other creditor actions against you must stop. This immediate stop of all proceedings against you and your assets gives you time to decide what to keep and what to give up. You have up to five years to make up the overdue payments. Chapter 13 also gives you the right to reject all those car leases. timeshares. and other contracts dragging you down.
What are the Attorneys fees?
Attorneys Fees are regulated by the court and all your attorneys fees other than the initial retainer are paid through the Chapter 13 plan. We often charge less than the amount that is allowable under the Court guideline fee schedules.
Keep it all can be the plan
In a Chapter 13, the Debtor can keep all property. All creditors get what’s coming to them in the payments of the Chapter 13 Plan.
Dump the Debt!
Old income taxes. lawsuits. liens. garnishments. attachments. judgements against you weighing heavy on your mind? Chapter 13 let’s you pay nothing to all your dischargeable unsecured debts and then catch up on secured and non-dischargeable debts over up to 5 years by monthly payments per the court approved plan.
One Monthly Payment
The Chapter 13 plan payment is budgeted after deducting all your normal and reasonable living expenses. This is a payment that you can afford . We calculate it with you. We propose the plan with you and we push it through until the Judge in your case approves it. That is one reason its important to have an attorney that knows what needs to be done and then gets it done!
Get rid of junior mortgages when the property is worth less than the balance owed on the first mortgage.
What about my situation?
This is not legal advice about your specific situation. We need to discuss your situation and your objectives and your rights and duties in a Chapter 13 in detail. Since the initial office consultation for potential bankruptcy clients is without charge, you can contact our office by calling (877) 315-5107 to schedule an appointment with an experienced Florida bankruptcy Chapter 13 attorney or fill out the contact form on our website, and someone from our office will call you regarding your specific situation.
Your plan payment can start low and then be higher in the later years of the plan. You can pay that car payment through the plan. and lower the payments and extend your car loan. Often you can keep cars. etc and pay only what the asset is worth. Chapter 13 is the best kept secret of Debtor’s rights in the country.